6 December 2024
Principal’s Report
Hi Parents, Carers and Community,
With another end of year fast approaching, there is certainly a lot going on at school.
We are in the process of finalising staffing and classes for next year, and enjoying all of our end of year experiences to celebrate our achievements in 2024. Please note that the last day for students is Thursday, December 19.
I would like to take this opportunity with my last newsletter of the year to thank you all for your contributions to Snug Primary School, and the support you give your children, and us. We are very lucky to have such a supportive groups of parents and broader community members – as evidenced by the wonderful turn out at Snug Jingles last weekend, and the ongoing commitment and support you give us as a school. Thank you again, and we look forward to seeing most of you back nest year.
Reports: These will come home with students next Friday, December 13, alongside the classes they will be in next year. There will also be a “meet the teacher” session next Friday for students to meet new classmates and their teacher/s.
Year 6 Graduation: We will be formally celebrating the accomplishments of our Year 6 students next Thursday, December 12, at their graduation ceremony. We look forward to celebrating this occasion with students and their families – always a highlight of our year.
Final assembly: This will take place at 9.30am on Thursday 19 December. We will say goodbye to our Year 6 students, and to the staff members who will be leaving us. This year, we will say goodbye to some staff members who have been part of our Snug family for a long time – Mrs Jane Martyn and Mr Ben McDermott. We will also say goodbye to Gina Rose and Hayley McClure. If you are able to join us, we would love to have you along.
Primary performances: Some of our classes are putting on a small performance for our families. These will take place on Monday 9 December (1-2A, 1-2B, 1-2C and 1-2D), Tuesday 10 December (Kinder) and Wednesday 18 December (Prep). Please join us for those too and reach out to class teachers if you require further information.
If I don’t see you before, please have a lovely and enjoyable break with your family over Christmas and New Year.
Kind regards

Blair Curtis
Kath’s Spot
Yoyos and flipping and singing were some of the star performances of our Snug’s Got Talent Final on Sunday at our Snug Jingles. It was a culmination of three weeks of acts being performed during lunchtimes, on the search for Snug’s greatest talent in 2025.
Our students have been focussing on the habit of the mind of Excellence: we show confidence in unfamiliar and challenging situations. In light of this, our students who performed for the school were a wonderful representation of putting this habit into practice. They showed confidence, when they were not quite sure what would happen, how people would react, and not knowing how they would feel when they got up the front. We, as the audience, also had the pleasure of being entertained and seeing such incredibly gifted performances.
I know today it takes real guts and courage to step out of our comfort zone and take on new opportunities that are unknown and sometimes uncomfortable, but I also know that in the moments when I have been brave enough to do this and taken the chance, I have grown and developed in my self and my skills. I wonder if you have been thinking about trying something new? If so, why not show confidence in the unfamiliar and challenging situation, and show these young people that we, as big people, are still learning each day as well.

Kath Dolliver
Little Sprouts - Movers and Explorers
Term 4

Kitchen-Garden News
Garden News

Volunteers always welcome, classes start at 2.00pm.
A reminder that volunteers will need a Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (RWVP). Details are here if you need to apply:
Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) 2025
Letters confirming STAS 2025 eligibility are now being delivered by post.
STAS application forms for 2025 have not changed from the 2024 form. The STAS form is also available on the Intranet for printing here, alternatively contact Financial Assistance via email to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au who will post a supply of forms to your school if needed.
Families who have not applied for or received STAS previously are encouraged to apply online at https://stasonlinesubmission.education.tas.gov.au (or Google STAS to be taken directly to the link). Online applications can be submitted on any electronic device including mobile phones.
Families who are advised by letter that they are approved for STAS 2025 and who need to add another student can email their full name and the name, date of birth and grade of the student in 2025 to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au and the newly enrolling student will be added to their file.
2025 approval letters also provide the facility to add a new student and return by email or post. Parents/guardians cannot add a student to an existing file using the online service.
Applicants who have been assessed as not eligible and wish to have the assessment reviewed can call Financial Assistance on 1800 827 055 or email their query to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au.
If you have any STAS queries, please contact Financial Assistance on 1800 827 055 or via email to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au.
Outside School Hours Care
Summer Holiday Care Program
2025 Information and Enrolment (Including Re-Enrolment)
Coming Events 2024
For more information please see our school calendar by clicking the link below:
Date | Event |
12 December | Year 6 Graduation Evening |
13 December | Reports and class placements for 2025 to go home/Meet-the-Teacher |
17 December | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom FINAL |
18 December | Year 6 Big Day Out |
19 December | Term 4 Ends |
Coming Events 2025
Date | Event |
6 February | Term 1 Starts |
10 February | Regatta Day Public Holiday |
tbc | Snug Athletics Day |
25 February (tbc) | Eat, Meet and Greet, 4.00pm to 6.30pm |
10 March | Eight Hour Day Public Holiday |
12 March – 24 March | NAPLAN |
tbc | School Association AGM, 7.30pm in staffroom |
19 March – 21 March | Year 6 Camp at Blue Lagoon |
26 March | Huon and Channel Athletics Carnival |
27 March | School Photos with Leading Image |
tbc | Primary Progress reports go home |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
8 April | Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show (Kinder to Year 2 students only) |
11 April | Term 1 Ends |
28 April | Term 2 Starts |
tbc | Snug Cross Country |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
21 May | Huon and Channel Cross Country |
6 June | Student Free Day (Professional Learning and Moderation for Staff) |
9 June | King’s Birthday Public Holiday |
10 June – 20 June | Fire Education (with Firefighter Alison) |
17 June | State Cross Country (Symmons Plains) |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
20 June | Reports go home |
23 June – 27 June | Parent Teacher Meetings |
24 June – 27 June | Bright Sparks Program |
4 July | Term 2 Ends |
6 July – 13 July | NAIDOC Week |
21 July | Term 3 Starts |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
4 August – 15 August | Years 3-6 Swimming and Water Safety Program at Collegiate Pool |
tbc | Year 6 Band Tour |
tbc | Year 5 Band Workshop (C3 Convention Centre) |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
tbc | Book Fair |
8 September – 19 September | Parent-Teacher Meetings |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
tbc | Year 6 Band Workshop (C3 Convention Centre) |
4 September | MAST Boat Safety Program (Years 3-5 only) |
22 September to 26 September | Growing Up Program |
26 September | Term 3 Ends |
13 October | Term 4 Starts |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
23 October – 24 October | Show Day Public Holiday and Student Free Day (Professional Learning for Staff) |
27 October | Snug Swimming Carnival |
11 November | Remembrance Day Assembly |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom |
tbc | Year 5 and 6 Band - DEC Annual Concert (MyState Bank Arena) |
28 November | Schools Triathlon Challenge – Bellerive |
30 November | Snug Jingles |
3 December | Huon and Channel Swimming Carnival |
11 December | Year 6 Graduation Evening |
12 December | Reports and class placements for 2025 to go home/Meet-the-Teacher |
tbc | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom FINAL |
17 December | Year 6 Big Day Out |
18 December | Term 4 Ends |
Community Notices
School Holidays at The Cricket Hub, Kingston

‘Nature Be In It’ Holiday Program

Cricket Blast School Holiday Programs