22 November 2024
Principal’s Report
Hi Parents and Caregivers,
With the end of the year fast approaching, things are very busy at school! We are focused on ensuring we continue to provide our students with a quality program, whilst also setting the foundations for 2025 in place.
Fantastic results!
As discussed in previous newsletters, our students all recently sat PAT (Progressive Achievement Tests). These tests, given to students in Prep-Year 6, are used by most schools to measure student progress, and critically, gives us important information about how we can continue to support our students, and track how we are progressing as a school.
I think it’s really important that we celebrate the significant improvements we have made in student Reading and Maths in recent years and highlight the hard work of our, teachers, TA’s, and broader community in driving sustained improvement in student outcomes. Our students, for their part, should be very proud of their commitment to learning also.
The information below shows the progress we have made since 2019. It is something everyone in our community should be rightfully proud of.
PAT Student Band Percentages Over Time – Reading (Whole School)
Percentage of students Prep-6 a year or more below expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 at expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 a year or more above expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 at, or a year or more above, expected standard | |
2019 | 33.6 | 31.6 | 34.7 | 66.3 |
2020 | 29 | 39 | 32 | 71 |
2021 | 27 | 38 | 35 | 73 |
2022 | 23 | 45 | 32 | 77 |
2023 | 23 | 39 | 38 | 77 |
2024 | 21 | 40 | 39 | 79 |
PAT Student Band Percentages Over Time – Maths (Whole School)
Percentage of students Prep-6 a year or more below expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 at expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 a year or more above expected standard | Percentage of students Prep-6 at, or a year or more above, expected standard | |
2019 | 31 | 45 | 24 | 69 |
2020 | 26 | 49 | 25 | 74 |
2021 | 30 | 44 | 26 | 70 |
2022 | 21 | 35 | 34 | 69 |
2023 | 19.8 | 44.6 | 35.6 | 80.2 |
2024 | 18 | 44 | 38 | 82 |
High School Transition
Our Year 6 students heading off to high school next year are in the process of their school transitions. For many of our Year 6 cohort, the Kingston High and Woodbridge Transition Day is next Wednesday, 27 November.
Snug Jingles
A reminder that Snug Jingles, our annual end of year Christmas celebration, will take place at school on Sunday, 1 December, starting at 4.30pm. There will be music, barbecue, drink sales. Bring along a picnic blanket, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon with us.
Growing Up Program
Our Growing Up Program will take place from Monday, 2 December. The Growing Up Program is an age-appropriate and evidence-based, Relationships, Sexuality and Protective Behaviours education program aligned with the Australian Curriculum and the Respectful Relationships Teaching and Learning Package. The Growing Up Program starts with basic information that is built upon each year from Kindergarten through to Year 6.
We also have a parent session which will take place at 8.30am on Monday, 2 December at school (venue tbc) to provide information to any parents and caregivers who have questions.

Blair Curtis
Kath’s Spot
Mention the words “Stadium” to any adult, and you are probably bound to get an opinion, an utterance, a sigh or an excited glee of energy. Similar to the upcoming “High Performance Centre”, many people are either for one side or the other, and sometimes seeing someone else’s opinion on the topic can be hard to see or read.
I was recently having a conversation with someone and I commented that I think it would be great to “agree to disagree”. Indeed this is the way we can show respect to others around us.
Our students have been focussed on the Snug Value of Respect, particularly focussing on respecting ourselves, each other and our community.
There are a lot of ways we can show this. We can take the time to hear each other out, to listen and to be a support when needed. Sometimes showing respect involves just standing with another person that might be feeling insecure or anxious, and sometimes it can be about standing up for them when they need that support too. Respecting ourselves can be shown by making sure we are getting enough sleep, good food into our bodies, and enough time to experience, relax and connect with the things that help us to connect with our family, friends and the land.
If you need any help or support in any way, please yell out, we are here to support, hear and respect you.

Kath Dolliver
Classes in Focus –3B Parisi and 1-2C Garlick
3B Parisi

A big, big thank you!
3B have raised over $300 for our lemonade and lemon slice fundraiser venture. We would like to extend our thank you to all the Snug PS community for supporting us with our stall. We are grateful to families who donated lemons. A special thanks goes to Dearne, who helped us prepare the food. Well done students of 3B for doing an amazing job at promoting the event, organising the stall and making and selling the delicious produce. We now hope to purchase and plant some trees for our school ground before the end of this year.

Lemonade and Lemon Slice Fundraiser
1-2C Garlick
Year 1-2C have been working on creating persuasive texts. We have learnt about some of the powerful techniques we can use to enhance our writing. We each created a new candy for Willy Wonka, writing to convince people it is the best one to buy. We designed posters to show our reasons and made our candy from recycled materials.

1-2C Creating Persuasive Texts
Little Sprouts - Movers and Explorers
Term 4

Book Club

Book Club orders are submitted and paid for online via the Book Clubs Loop. Please go to this link. It’s a very straightforward process to sign up and then super quick and easy to place orders. The Loop for the current book issue will be closed off on Monday 2 December need to add so ensure you have your orders in by then. Books will arrive to school and be distributed to students a few weeks later.
Kitchen-Garden News
Kitchen News
As of Term 4, orders for Tuesday lunch provisions will only be able to submitted via Qkr, there will be no more paper orders available. This is a very easy system to use once you’re set up, please refer to instructions below.

Garden News

Volunteers always welcome, classes start at 2.00pm.
A reminder that volunteers will need a Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (RWVP). Details are here if you need to apply:
Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) 2025
Letters confirming STAS 2025 eligibility are now being delivered by post.
STAS application forms for 2025 have not changed from the 2024 form. The STAS form is also available on the Intranet for printing here, alternatively contact Financial Assistance via email to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au who will post a supply of forms to your school if needed.
Families who have not applied for or received STAS previously are encouraged to apply online at https://stasonlinesubmission.education.tas.gov.au (or Google STAS to be taken directly to the link). Online applications can be submitted on any electronic device including mobile phones.
Families who are advised by letter that they are approved for STAS 2025 and who need to add another student can email their full name and the name, date of birth and grade of the student in 2025 to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au and the newly enrolling student will be added to their file.
2025 approval letters also provide the facility to add a new student and return by email or post. Parents/guardians cannot add a student to an existing file using the online service.
Applicants who have been assessed as not eligible and wish to have the assessment reviewed can call Financial Assistance on 1800 827 055 or email their query to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au.
If you have any STAS queries, please contact Financial Assistance on 1800 827 055 or via email to stas@decyp.tas.gov.au.
Outside School Hours Care
2024 Information and Enrolment (Including Re-Enrolment)
Summer Holiday Care Program
2025 Information and Enrolment (Including Re-Enrolment)
Coming Events 2024
For more information please see our school calendar by clicking the link below:
Date | Event |
1 December | Snug Jingles, 4.30pm to 7.00pm |
2 December – 9 December | Growing Up Program |
12 December | Year 6 Graduation Evening |
13 December | Reports and class placements for 2025 to go home/Meet-the-Teacher |
17 December | School Association, 7.00pm in staffroom FINAL |
18 December | Year 6 Big Day Out |
19 December | Term 4 Ends |
Community Notices
Christmas at the Hub

Mega Market

Summer Holiday Circus Workshops